1 year anniversary living on my own.

   I can not believe it's been a year I am living on my own.
flat sneak pic early days!!!

 It's been wonderful to come and go as you please... To wake up in total silence and drink slowly the coffee you made doing whatever you want. Not having to worry about how messy the flat is because nobody is here to judge you except yourself...I lived with my parents during  my college years. The freedom you feel is actually intoxicating!!!! I'll admit that there were times that I missed them especially our fur-baby Blackie but I always visit them and sometimes stay there a night.
 At first I was afraid that I wouldn't make it. Paying rent and the bills it seemed a little overwhelming especially for a girl used to spend her salary in  comics, collectibles and whatever! But doing this has given me a whole new prospective.
 At the beginning of the month I make a list with my usual expenses. Rent, electricity, phone-internet etc. After I have payed everything I see with what I am left.
During the month i make a list for the grocery store and super-market. This  usually consists not the everyday stuff but cleaning supplies, personal hygiene stuff that I can buy in larger quantities and no worry about going bad. Having covered the basic expenses. I have a clear picture of the money I am left to spend in something extra.
 I will admit it is now always easy.  I sometimes loose track and overspend but most of the times I am on track. This year has been a dream! I am proud of myself and what I have  accomplished- even if it seems a little silly to you. And actually I am more confident and what I can do. So here's to another year of change and growing.

Music Sunday

There's nothing better than J.S. Bach music and coffee on a Sunday afternoon.