For a long time now I have searched the internet and pinterest for various DIY. I usually look for something to make for my flat, myself or taking inspiration for the various charities we are involved as a family.
This post is about making the diy and the result I got....
First this wonderful pair of cat shoes! I've been thinking to buy a pair but the ones I liked were really expensive until I found this
diy and fell in love!
I found this DIY very easy and the result was amazing. I used a pair from H&M because I wasn't sure of the result and didn't want to ruin an expensive pair. I am definitely doing this again in a more comfortable pair! So here goes...
Forgive my amateurish photos :) |
I used dark red because I didn't have black. I loved the result and I got a lot of compliments for this lovelies...Everybody asked where I bought them and I was so proud to say I made them!
Definitely give this diy a try!