Christmas Gifts: The Book Edition

Soooo... Happy 2017 to you all!
I have received a lot of books for Christmas Gifts this year.
Some, actually I bought myself.
In my defence it was Christmas and some self-indulgence was expected.
Look at this lovelies!!!!

Sophias Lullaby Arts & Crafts, Books

From top to bottom
1. Philip K.Dick-"Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?"
2. Gerald Durell- "Ζώα, πουλιά και συγγενείς"
3. Τom Holt- "Snow White and the Seven Samurai"
4. Tom Holt- "The Outsorcerer's Apprentice"
5. Michael Chabon: "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay"
6. Tom Holt- " You don't have to be evil to work here but it helps"
7. Anthony Ryan- "Το τραγούδι του Αίματος" 1
8. Γουίλιαμ Γκόλντινγκ- "Ο άρχοντας των μυγών"
9. Paul Dolan, PhD- "Προσχεδιασμένη Ευτυχία"
10. Χριστίνα Φραγκεσκάκη- "Ζωγράφισε μου ένα σπίτι"
11. Terry Pratchett- "Small Gods" (not pictured's actually in my bag been read!)

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