August give me 10!

I am starting a little early I know.But I just want to wake up tomorrow and be August 1. This month was actually quite crazy!!! I got really great news and then bad news at the same time. Bad news first. My uncle passed away  unexpectable and it was quite a shock for our  familly. My best friend is moving in Simi ( greek island) for the next 2 years with her husband. My other best friend moved as well ( i am thinking of moving too...I can only dream of this for now). A lot of stress at work lately. Good new now!! My sister is moving to her own house!  I am getting new tats and that's all folks...I didn't had time to get really happy or excited. I am hoping that August will be much better and more relaxed!!

1. Read at least 10 books from the closet (1/10)
2. Buy music theory books I need for my students
3. Get new tattoos (yeah!! Monday afternoon!!!)
4. Go at least one day trip to the countryside ( mountain or seaside)
5. Make schedule for Fall ( i know it's to soon but I have to)
6. Stop drinking soda drinkigs for 5 day per week.
7. Start working out regularly
8. Start playing piano regularly ( still haven't achieved that)
9.  Organize my closet ( cloths and books)
10. Go for a stroll alone at least 3 times a week ( because I get home really late I never go for a stroll and sometimes a really need to just to clear my head from all the craziness)

p.s.:  I know that August hasn't started  yet and i have started counting things... i know i'm a little cheater...please don't tell :)
p.s.2: the 365 photo challenge continues due to some unexpected computer and internet problems i couldn't post. so a mega photo post is coming!!!

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