13 for 2013

 Every January I get a blog fever. The new year always fills me with  new ideas and promises of keeping this blog up and running...and then somewhere between March and April I only come around to 10 posts. After reading all your posts about new beginnings and year's resolution I have decided I want to give this blog thing another try. But this time without the pressure I put myself about everyday posting and trying to write posts that will blow other people minds. I want this space to become more of a small diary of the things I will do this year. I want to be able to come back here and read about the big and the small changes in my life. I will be giving this place a renovation as the year passes... I already made a big change in the name of the blog and a bit of an update on the template. I am in a place right now that I love all things simple with a hint of color.
 So the best way to start is with this year's resolutions. I started writing them down on my notebook and at 13 I stopped. I thought why overwhelm myself with 30 resolutions??? I'll probably won't  do half of them. Why not make a shorter list and enjoy more of repeating some of my resolutions. Why not try to perfect some of them??
 With no further delay here is my list

1. Lose weight  Go to the movies more
2. Exercise more  Travel
3. Complete the 365 projects
4. Learn to crochet
5. Get a license to ride a motorcycle
6. Be dept-free
7. Experiment with art mediums
8. Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop
9. Make new friends
10. Start an Etsy Shop
11. Read all the books I have at my closet and they are gathering dust...
12. Go for pick-nicks
13.Finish decorating the flat

I have crossed and changed some of my goals. I will talk and explain more  about my list in another post.
I am happy to be back here and write... I hope this time I will keep it up!
Should this be a years resolution??? Hmmm...
Love to you all

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