Over the weekend

Saturday morning went shopping with my sis.
Saturday noon played with Blackie our dog
Saturday night watched Eurovision at my sis house with friends.
Sunday morning went to the Dog Shelter and spend time with the pups!
Sunday afternoon went to a dance festival. It was very interesting and refreshing. Love watching creative young people!


While you were Sleeping
Found  here

Artist: Su Blackwell
This work of Mrs. Blackwell speaks to my soul. I don't know how to describe it.... but there so many images and thoughts crossing my mind when I see this picture. So many feelings...I fell like I can get lost in this picture! I hope some day I get to see some of her work in person.

DIY to the test

For a long time now I have searched the internet and pinterest for various DIY.  I usually look for something to make for my flat, myself or taking inspiration for the various charities we are involved as a family.
This post is about making the diy and the result I got....

First this wonderful pair of cat shoes! I've been thinking to buy a pair but the ones I liked were really expensive until I found this diy and fell in love!

From KITTENHOOD.Guest Post from Scathingly Brilliant

 I found this DIY very easy and the result was amazing. I used a pair from H&M because I wasn't sure of the result and didn't want to ruin an expensive pair. I am definitely  doing this again in a more comfortable pair! So here goes...

Forgive my amateurish photos :)

I used dark red because I didn't have black. I loved the result and I got a lot of compliments for this lovelies...Everybody asked where I bought them and I was so proud to say I made them!
Definitely give this diy a try!

Easter at Chios

A small collection of photos from this year trip to Chios. It was lovely to see all my family again.


Currently obsessing over grey hair. Time for a change...
