1 year anniversary living on my own.

   I can not believe it's been a year I am living on my own.
flat sneak pic early days!!!

 It's been wonderful to come and go as you please... To wake up in total silence and drink slowly the coffee you made doing whatever you want. Not having to worry about how messy the flat is because nobody is here to judge you except yourself...I lived with my parents during  my college years. The freedom you feel is actually intoxicating!!!! I'll admit that there were times that I missed them especially our fur-baby Blackie but I always visit them and sometimes stay there a night.
 At first I was afraid that I wouldn't make it. Paying rent and the bills it seemed a little overwhelming especially for a girl used to spend her salary in  comics, collectibles and whatever! But doing this has given me a whole new prospective.
 At the beginning of the month I make a list with my usual expenses. Rent, electricity, phone-internet etc. After I have payed everything I see with what I am left.
During the month i make a list for the grocery store and super-market. This  usually consists not the everyday stuff but cleaning supplies, personal hygiene stuff that I can buy in larger quantities and no worry about going bad. Having covered the basic expenses. I have a clear picture of the money I am left to spend in something extra.
 I will admit it is now always easy.  I sometimes loose track and overspend but most of the times I am on track. This year has been a dream! I am proud of myself and what I have  accomplished- even if it seems a little silly to you. And actually I am more confident and what I can do. So here's to another year of change and growing.

Music Sunday

There's nothing better than J.S. Bach music and coffee on a Sunday afternoon.

Dog issues

  I love dogs. I don't  know if I have talked about them here on this blog. When I lived with my parents I was the one carrying about our lovely German shepherd Blackie.

My Baby boy Blackie!!!

  Since I moved out and I am living on my own I have often thought of  adopting a dog. I volunteer at a shelter and I have done some fostering. But whenever I think about  adopting I find myself feeling uncomfortable... I work full time and need 2 more hours to and from my work. After my work some days of the week I teach and I am home late. Should I own a dog and have him/her spend so much time on his own???Do I have a problem with commitment???
  I don't know if I am exaggerating or just think too much....But I don't want to take a dog home and then have to give it up again for adoption... it will break my heart. Any advice will be much appreciated...
Do you have a dog??? How to you handle work and dog time???  

I love this photo. Combines two great loves of mine. Dogs and music
Source: here

-Short hair, mon cherie? -Mais oui!

   All my life I had short hair. I have early memories of  hair parlors where my mother used to take me because she couldn't do anything with my hair. No...I don't have curly and big hair it's just so straight and so many that the only way she could manage it is cut them. I remember my first hair cut..I was standing because I was too small for the chair :)
Halloween style! Me and my sis. I'm with the yellow .

   I won't lie...I envied the other girls...with their long long hair!I still do sometimes...What I wouldn't give to be able to have long hair and have a chignon!!! I actually tried a few times to grow my hair. Once I actually made it...and unfortunatly I don't have a photo to prove it...Yes, I am photo shy...Now you know!
  During that time I came to realize that I don't feel like me with long hair. Silly you'll say....a bunch of hair can't define who you are... But still I didn't feel like me. Whatever comes I can deal with it..... Lol! I am the anti-Samson!!!! I feel stronger with my short hair.
  So I decided to make a series about short hair and how you can have fun with them. I hope you will like this and you share with me some of yours short stories!
 In this post I will show you how my hair was and my new look!!!Hope you like it!!! I love it!

 I look seriously miserable with my hair...I haven't cut them for  three months! I  know my hair dresser since I was 7 and he was an intern in a parlor just over 18. It's amazing how I have saw him go through life not only professionally but personally too. Open his own parlor...getting married and having two lovely children. I trust him completely!!!
Nice to meet you!!!
Omg!I need a haircut... 

The smile of content!!! My new hair!!!! The colour was to be more on the purple side but it came out magenta..I love them though!

I love my new hairdo!

A close-up to see the colour.

Hope you like it!

p.s.: sorry for the crappy photos I am newbie at self-portraits....

Hello again

I was thinking a lot about what to write on this new post. It's been so long. I won't start with the sentimental staff about how I missed bloging and how life got in the way. All I'll say is I just can't keep a schedule. I decided to give it another go and see what happens. There's a lot of things I need to learn and change in this little space and I hope you will be patient with me. So here's to fresh starts and new adventures!!!!

Hello World!!!! 
Lovely to see you again!!!

Quick and easy sweet tooth

So today I wanted  to eat something sweet but I didn't want to get out of the house. I had found this recipe few days ago and wanted to try it... So i did. I used extra staff.Like cookies and chocolate sprinkles.  The recipe is in Greek so I'll translate it!!!The possibilities are endless!!!

Ingredients (original recipe)
1 yogurt
Cocoa powder

You mix them all together and try it if -according to your taste- needs more cocoa or saccharin

In my version I used powdered sugar. It came out fine. As a base I used hand-crashed cookies and on top chocolate sprinkles. You could combine it with whipped cream, almonds or whatever you prefer!
I would love to see your combinations :)

Photos time! ( I love this Zara kid's bowls!!!unfortunately this all I found at the stores...)
ingredients i used

mixing time...

nice and creamy!

is this cute or what???

cookies crumbs!

oh! i didn't make a mess..

and chocolate sprinkles!!! 
and we are done!
all covered up!

Yummy Yummy!!!

Much love

p.s.: I know my photo skills and arrangement sucks!

Been so long..

I know is been such a long time since my last post. So I'm back with something crafty...
I show this beautiful cutlery but wasn't so sure about the purchase.
So after a long search on the internet I came across this lovely post from creatively cristy and thought I give it a go!!!
This are the results!!! There are not perfect but I love them anyways...I got some blue ones too :)

Hope you like them too!!!
Lot's love

Thursday la la la 7

I have forgotten about this song. I love it so much! I listen to an another version when I went and saw the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The original still rocks for me!

Random photos

First day at the office after  the holidays!

One glorious breakfast on Sunday Morning!

Planning planning planning! This year I made my own calendars! I'll probably post the covers I made for each and every one!

This lovely scarf hanger from IKEA . I had them in a drawer and used only half of them... Easy access, i can see everything and place left for more!

Lunch at the office home-made!
It was snowing but unfortunately my mob camera didn't capture the snow!

The scarf hanger in my closet :)

Glass Monday

 I've been wearing glasses since I was 14. I actually tried to give myself myopia just so I could wear glasses. Obviously I didn't have to try hard because I don't see a thing without them! I love them soooo much! I can't imagine myself without a pair on. So this little feature here will be all about glasses!Glasses I drool over!Maybe you see some pictures of me and the pairs I own. I haven't thrown my old pairs I have them all!

This lovely Channel pair of oversized glasses and in Green!!! I have seen this in a store in purple though.. The Frame looks a bit transparent and the green colour will highlight the eyes perfectly. Especially if you have brown eyes!!! OK, I want this bad boys!
You can find them here
Much love,

p.s. : the glasses you see here are not promoted or a product of advertising, it's just my personal opinion.

Nothing goes to waste!

I found this lovely recipe here. What to do with the left overs of vasilopitta or actually any kind of cake. It was really easy to make and quite a hit with everyone! I put some liquer mandarin to spice it up. I always wanted to make cake pops! So here are some photos from the procedure! Enjoy! I surely did!
 liquer mandarin from Chios

 not going to eat this!

 and spiiinnnnnnnnnnn!

I didn't follow the quantities just used what I  had at home.

yes! I normally have Merenda at home... don'r judge!

lovely chocolate how much i love you!

 i follow the tip and left it for one hour at the fridge!

 choco sprinkles!

soooo yummy!

Thursday la la la 6

I love this piece soooo much.... Been playing it on the piano but I still don't play it fast enough... Practice practice practice!!! In other news I' a bit down today...

Goals and rewards!!

It's been a while i know... I have decided that 2012 is going to rock!!! So now that I have set my goals for this year and started to realize them (keeping up with healthy eating and exercising... studying not yet-what a surprise!!!). I was thinking i need to decide how I am going to reward myself!!! I don't want my rewards to be about material things like buying stuff ( although that would be nice too). I wanted to be about new experiences.
So this is a small list of things I will do to reward my self this year!!!
For healthy eating and exercising: for the first 4 months. Get in my old and beloved jeans. I got a great pair of jeans from Evans that I love but didn't get to wear them much.Time to get them back to my wardrobe!!!
For the ICS exams: for all the hard work and study (if i get around to do it...pfff!! i am lazy!) go to the dog shelter's reunion in Germany. It will be a 4 days trip end of April. I will get to see all the lovely puppies that got adopted all grown up!!!! I'll probably need a lot of tissues...
 For the first 6 months of the year: I have another travel plan in  mind... In June travel to Russia. In order to go there I need to start  economizing!!! My grandmother lived there when she was a child and I always wanted to go.
For my birthday: loose 40 kg. I know it sounds strange. Weight lose for a birthday present.... In a way it is!! And actually a big one. One that i have to try all year to get there! One gift to myself that will alter my life to better things. Over the years i have gained a lot of weight because i am an emotional eater. I need to change the way i react to bad things and stress . I need to speak up more than stuffing myself with food.

That's all i got for now... I will keep you posted every 4 months how my new years goal are going and if i got my reward in the end.
Much love

Thursday la la la 5

Another Music Thursday is here!!! When I am in a bad mood I like to listen to dance music and what better than Guetta. It always makes me feel much better..I am heartbroken and most of all angry with myself that I let that person do this again. I should have known better...So let's dance people!!
Much love

Happy 2012

Happy New Year to you all!!!
I wish health, love and happiness to you and your families!!!
I wish that this year will bring everything you dreamed off 
Much Love