May the fourth be with you!

What is the best way to celebrate Star Wars day??? By crocheting a Yoda beanie!!!
I found this lovely pattern at Knot Your Nana's Crochet and gave it a go.
The result is awesome and I can't wait to make more of this for friends and family.
The yarn is: Lydia- It took two
May the force be with you!

Ποιός είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γιορτάσουμε τo Star Wars???
Πλέκοντας ένα σκουφάκι Yoda.
Βρήκα αυτό το πατρόν στο Knot Your Nana's Crochet και έπιασα το βελονάκι μου.
Το σκουφάκι βγήκε τέλειο και σίγουρα θα φτιάξω κι άλλα!
Το νήμα είναι: Lydia- It took two 
May the force be with you!

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