Christmas Bazaar

So we are getting close to Christmas if you didn't notice....This year I have been asked to participate in 3 different bazaars. The first one is for our  island community here in Athens. I will be making the candy for the christmas cookie houses!! And I have to get started right about yesterday!!! They need many different shapes so I have alot of work to do. I found this lovely recipe that is actually very easy to make. I have allready tried it and i am very excited!!! The other two are  being conducted by the dog shelter i go to. I am going to make them truffes, muffins and hopefully gingerbread cookies .... So my new nickname should be the candy lady :) ... I will try and post pictures and the recipes for you to see!! Any ideas will be greatly appriciated!!!

One small update on my healthier lifestyle. I started a new exercise regime 'take the stairs'. I don't want to start the gym yet and  i am trying to find different ways to put exercise in to my life. So...i read this article and found it very interesting... I don't have to buy a machine i just use the stairs everywhere i go. I have set a goal for my self 10 floors a day... But I notice that I do at least 20.  I think i need a journal to monitor my self!! I cruise the internet to find a DIY!!

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