
So i will post a list of things i ACTUALLY GET to do this past three days ...
1) Visit the doggie shelter and spend lots of time giving hugs to doggies!!
2) Take pictures of a)doggies, b) for my blog c) for ebay etc. with my shiny yellow cam!!!
3) take long walks  and spend time playing with my own dog :) :) :)
4) Organize my room and get to do some work on the pc...
5) study some piano pronto!!!

As you can imagine i did just the fun staff this past three days. Actually is this time of the year again when Blackie (a.k.a. my lovely doggie) is losing so much hair... You dog people know what i am talking about!! I had a handfull of house cleaning...So my room will have to wait for another weekend....My bright new camera  had alot of work... I am still trying to figure out things thought... I actually had a bit of a crisis when my memory card dicided that it didn't like my pc. Thank got i short that out!!! didn't want to loose all the pictures i had taken... Probably another post??  :)
This week is a bit strange.... A lot of strikes going on here right now and downtown is closed. I kinda feel like we are on hold... Never know what to do or when.

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